Mazel Tov to
Julie and Irwin Friedman on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Kayla Leba Stadler, born to their grandchildren, Zahava and David Stadler.
Judy and Jay Lazarus on the birth of a grandson to their children, Batya Lazarus-Rugys and Meir Rugys.
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 5th, please remember to move the time back 1 hour and change your smoke detector batteries.
Election Day
Tuesday, the 7th is election day. Please remember to vote.
Shalosh Seudot
Shalosh Seudos is being sponsored by Regina and Ernie Frenkel to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Regina's Father, Aron ben Chaim Itzhok Hirsch, may his memory be a blessing. Anyone wishing to sponsor a Shalosh Seudos should speak to Rob Goldfarb or Leonard Mann.