Gail and Pinchas KleereKoper on the Bar Mitzva of their son Yosef Simcha. There will be a kiddush after davening.
Yakov Kaminsky on his Bar Mitzvah, which will be held after the 8 AM Shachris on Monday, December 8th.
Amy and Warren Katzman on Chaya Esther's engagement to Yehuda Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Katz on the birth of a son.
Trudy and Dovid Wiener on the Bris of their grandson, Yaacov Wiener, born to their children, Shoshanah and Yehuda Wiener.
Shalosh Seudot
Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by an anonymous donor and by Roz and Seymour Kerner to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Seymour's Mother, Menya Bas Avraham Mendel.
If you are interested in sponsoring Shalosh Seudos, please speak with Gerald From, Yaakov Youssian, Leonard Mann, or Willie Goldstein.
Shul Board Meeting
There will be a Shul board meeting, Sunday, Jan. 4th after the second Shachris minyan.
Please redeem your pledges to the Shul and bring your Shul accounts up to date.