We request that all those who use our Shul be up to date with their measles vaccinations. If you have not been vaccinated, please take care of that prior to coming into Shul. Anyone who has contracted measles should refrain from coming to Shul for 3 weeks as mandated by the local Health Department.
Mazal Tov to
Shira and Rabbi Yonah Lazar on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Nechama and Nosson Lowenthal and the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Moshe Eliyahu.
This Shabbos, Ada and Jimmy Katz are sponsoring a Kiddush of Hodaa.
This week Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Shoshana and Shiya Markowitz to commemorate the First Yahrtzheit of Shiya's Father, Avraham Shmuel ben Aharon Yosef.
Anyone wishing to sponsor a Shalosh Seudos should speak to Leonard Mann, Rob Goldfarb or Gerald From.
Avos U'Banim sponsored this week anonymously.
Anyone wishing to sponsor an evening of Avos U'Banim should check the sign in sheet on the bulletin board or speak to Yaakov Grunstein or Leonard Mann.
V'ten Tal U'matar
Reminder: Begin saying V'Sen Tal U'Matar in Shmoneh Esrei at Maariv on Tuesday evening, December 4th.
Baal Koreh Needed
The 8 AM Shachris Minyan needs a Baal Koreh. If you are interested, please speak to Gerald From or Leonard Mann.
Refurbishing the Shul
Presently, we are gearing up for the refurbishing of the Shul: a new floor, new chairs and new lighting. Please contribute to the best of your ability.