Remember to make an Eruv Tavshillin on Thursday. Remember to count Sefirah.
Chametz That Was Sold
Chametz that was sold through Rabbi Cohen may be consumed by 9:30 PM on Motzaei Yom Tov. Dishes were not sold and as such may be returned to their places before that time.
Late Maariv
The late Maariv switches to 9:30 PM on April 19th.
Annual Shul Dinner
The annual Shul dinner will be on Sunday, May 10th at Community Synagogue. The honorees will be Leah and Yaakov Bodner and Shoshana and Yaakov Youssian. Please save the date and watch for the forthcoming ad blanks!
Online payment and Text for Ads may be submitted through the Dinner Journal Webpage.