Shul Board Meeting
In hopes of breathing new life into the Shul, we invite everyone (members & non-members alike) to join us at this Sunday's board meeting at 8:45 AM. We very much would like the ladies to attend (we will be having counselors to watch the little ones). We are also interested in any ideas for programs/ events that would bring more people to the Shul.
Mazal Tov to
Ita Lavut on Rachel's Marriage to Yehuda Laufer;
Shoshie and Eli Nadoff and Sara and Marty Shapiro on the Upsherin of their son and great-grandson, Yekutiel Yehuda.
Jenny and Benjy Bree on the Bris of their son, Jonah
Shalosh Seudos is being sponsored by the Shul, unless someone would like to come forward. If you are interested in sponsoring Shalosh Seudos, please speak to Rob Goldfarb.
Annual Shul Dinner
We are pleased to announce that our Shul Dinner will take place Sunday, May 17th at Cong. Shaarey Israel, Montebello. This year's honorees are
1) Rachma and Gedalia Friedenberg receiving the Avodas HaKodesh award and
2) Corinne and Stan Levine receiving the Lev Tov award. Please hold the date.
We currently have the Hauptmans sponsoring the break-fast part of the Purim Chagigah. If anyone would like to help out and make it a true chagigah, please speak with Yaakov Grunstein or Rob Goldfarb.
If anyone is in need of a Purim Seudah please speak to or text Yaakov Grunstein.
Coronavirus update:
We will post updates on the bulletin board from the CDC and WHO as we get them. Please check it daily. While in Shul please use soap and/or hand-sanitizer provided, located outside each bathroom and in the front hallway.

Purim Schedule
is here