Please to be sure to prepare an Eruv Tavshilin on Erev Succos, Wednesday, Oct 8th and on Hoshanah Rabbah, Wednesday,Oct 15th to allow food preparation during YomTov for Shabbos.
Mazal Tov to
Toby and Abe Kalker on the birth of a granddaughter, Michal Gila Sztulwark, born to their children, Ari and Naava Sztulwark.
Chana and Yosef Cattan on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Yehudis and Ari Cattan in Boca Raton, Florida.
Shalosh Seudos
We will recommence Shalosh Seudos after the Chagim. If you are interested in sponsoring one, please speak with Gerald From, Yaakov Youssian, Leonard Mann, or Willie Goldstein.
Shul's 40th Anniversary
This year on Shabbos Bereishis, we will celebrate the Shul's 40th anniversary. We are planning to celebrate with a Kiddush on Parshas Vayera on November 8th. If you wish to participate, please speak to Dr. Leonard Mann or Dr. Gerald From.